Jess the Empress

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7 Steps to Shifting your Limiting Beliefs

So, you have some beliefs you want to change? I’ve got you covered, babe!

Sometimes you hold onto things without even considering the TRUTH of the matter

When you mess up or fail, it's easy to fall into a negative spiral of self-doubt and criticism. You start to believe that you're not good enough, that you're a screw-up, that you'll never succeed. It's like this voice in your head that keeps telling you that you're a failure.

But here's the thing: everyone fails sometimes. It's part of life. It doesn't mean you're not capable or that you're not worthy of success. In fact, it's often through failure that we learn and grow the most. We all have negative beliefs and we all deserve the opportunity to change them.

So don't let those negative thoughts take over. Let’s get into STEP 1

So, grab a pen and some paper and write down those limiting beliefs. Get them out of your head and onto the page. Then, take a good, hard look at them. Ask yourself, "Is this belief really true?”

Chances are, you'll start to see that those beliefs are nothing more than lies you've been telling yourself. They're not based on facts, they're based on fear and self-doubt.

But don't worry, you're not alone. We all have limiting beliefs from time to time. The key is to recognize them for what they are and replace them with more positive and realistic beliefs. You got this. Don't let those limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. Let’s go to STEP 2

The key to getting rid of those old beliefs is to identify their source.

That's right, you need to get to the root of the problem. Ask yourself, "Where did this belief come from? Who or what influenced me to think this way?" Was it a critical parent, a toxic friend, or society's unrealistic expectations?

Once you've identified the source of the belief, you can start to challenge it EVEN MORE. You can ask yourself, "Is this belief really true? (STEP 1) Is it helping me or holding me back?" Chances are, you'll realize that the belief is based on someone else's opinion or a false assumption.

But don't let that discourage you. You have the power to change your beliefs and rewrite your story. You can replace those unhelpful beliefs with more positive and empowering ones. You can surround yourself with people who lift you up and support your growth.

So, take charge of your beliefs and your life. Identify the source of those unhelpful beliefs and challenge them with all your might. Let’s move on to STEP 3

Bye-bye, old belief! You want to solidify a new belief and make it a reality? Use this affirmation each time the old thought pops into your head


The best way to prove to yourself the old belief isn’t true is to double down on the new one by looking for evidence that supports your new belief. Don't just rely on blind faith.

Look for instances in your past where you exhibited the traits or abilities that align with your new belief. For example, if your new belief is "I am a great public speaker," think about all the times you gave a great presentation or spoke confidently in a meeting. Use those experiences to reinforce your new belief. Now it’ time for STEP 4

Imagine what your life could look like if you let go of that old, limiting belief. You know the one I'm talking about. The belief that's been holding you back and keeping you from reaching your full potential.

Picture this: you wake up each morning feeling energized and excited for the day ahead. You no longer have that voice in your head telling you that you're not good enough or that you can't achieve your goals. Instead, you feel confident and capable, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

You approach your work with a newfound sense of purpose and drive. You're no longer afraid to take risks or put yourself out there. You speak up in meetings, share your ideas, and make a real impact.

Your relationships improve, too. You no longer hold yourself back from connecting with others or putting yourself out there. You're more open, more authentic, and more confident in yourself and your abilities.

And at the end of each day, you go to bed feeling fulfilled and proud of yourself for all that you've accomplished. You know that you're living your life to the fullest, without the constraints of that old belief weighing you down.

So, are you ready to let go of that old belief and step into your full potential? Can you imagine how different your life could be if you did? It's time to make it happen, my friend. Embrace the possibilities and see how far you can go. Onto STEP 5

What do you WANT to say about yourself? How do you WANT to think of yourself?

This is your power, you get to choose now!

Whatever you decide act as if the new belief is already true. Don't wait for the belief to magically manifest itself in your life. Act as if it's already true and make decisions based on that belief. For example, if your new belief is "I am confident and capable," start taking actions that align with that belief. You might show up to an event that teaches you something new, or your finally start the hobby you’ve ALWAYS wanted to try

Practice, practice, practice. Your new belief won't become a reality overnight. It takes practice and repetition to make it a habit. So, keep practicing and reinforcing that new belief. Do it until it becomes second nature to you.

Visualize success. I know we went over it but it’s important! Visualization is a powerful tool when it comes to creating new beliefs. Picture yourself living out your new belief in vivid detail. See yourself achieving your goals, living the life you want, and feeling the way you want to feel. Visualize it every day and watch as it starts to become your reality.

Like I said, you can think anything you want about yourself so choose wisely and kindly! Okay, STEP 6

Looking for evidence doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by watching others who have achieved what you want. Seek out people who have succeeded in the area you're striving for and study their stories. What did they do to get where they are? What mindset did they adopt? Seeing other people achieve success can help you believe that it's possible for you too.

Recall past successes. Think back to times when you have achieved something great. It could be anything from acing a test to completing a tough workout. Remembering these successes can remind you that you're capable of achieving what you set your mind to.

Create a vision board. I know, I know — you’re thinking, “again, Jess, with the visualization?” and YES! Visualize yourself as the person you want to be and create a visual representation of that vision. Include images and quotes that inspire you and align with your new belief. Place your vision board somewhere visible so you can see it every day and remind yourself of your goals.
PRO TIP, I have a screenshot of my vision board saved in a folder on my iphone and it’s the FIRST thing I look at every morning. I will not give myself any other option.

Practice affirmations. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself every day. These could be simple statements like "I am confident" or "I am capable." Say them out loud, write them down, or record them on your phone. Whatever it takes to remind yourself of your new belief.

Remember, seeing yourself as the person you want to be takes effort and dedication. Speaking of dedication we’re onto our last step, STEP 7

How can you tell it’s working, right? This is how you'll know when your old belief is gone and your new belief is stronger than ever:

You feel a shift in your mindset. You start to think differently about yourself and your abilities. You may find yourself thinking more positively, being more confident, or feeling more determined to reach your goals.

You take action towards your goals. With your new, empowering belief in place, you start taking consistent action towards the things you want in life. You may find yourself pursuing new opportunities, taking risks, or stepping out of your comfort zone.

You let go of limiting thoughts and behaviors. You stop holding yourself back with negative self-talk or self-sabotaging behaviors. Instead, you focus on what you can do and what you want to achieve.

You feel a sense of inner peace and confidence. With your new belief, you feel more grounded and sure of yourself. You know that you have what it takes to succeed, and you're not afraid to go after what you want.

Remember, changing a belief is a process, and it's not always easy. But when you start to see these signs, you'll know that you're on the right track.

So keep pushing, keep believing, and keep being the edgy badass you were always meant to be!

I love you so much and I hope this helps you uncover what’s holding you back AND motivates you to take action on what you truly deserve

To work together text me at 1-909-619-2831 
— Jess 🖤🥀🦇