Jess the Empress

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Have you heard people say, “you’re afraid of success,” and “you’re afraid of power”

They might be right!

I see a lot of clients scared to step into their power and I notice a lot of people in general have a NEGATIVE view of power

Here’s what I usually see when someone has an unhealthy idea of power ⬇️

:: they hesitate to take on leadership roles, be it school, work, their own households and honestly in their own life

:: they avoid situations where you have to assert authority 

:: they feel overwhelmed and anxious when given responsibility

:: they think people with power are bad people and have seen an overwhelming about of powerful people misuse their power

:: they chronically worry about being perceived as “too mean,” like a dictator

:: they’re so scared of making mistakes they fail to take action 

But what do you do when that’s the case?

How do you get unstuck from the fear?

I have 5 strategies for you 

1 :: Understand the nature of power — Power itself is amoral, meaning it is neither inherently good nor bad. If you only think power is negative and bad, you’ll be scared to flex your own power for good. Ultimately, it is the intentions and actions of the individuals who hold power that determine whether it is used for good or bad. It is important for individuals to use their power responsibly and ethically, with consideration for the impact their actions have on others.

 EXAMPLE: as of 2022, philanthropist MacKenzie Scott has given $14B to over 1,600 non-profits — using per money, power, and influence for GOOD to help communities 

2 :: Challenge limiting beliefs — Tons of people have limiting beliefs around power that’s EXACTLY what holds them back. You need to identify your beliefs and work to challenge them with evidence that contradicts them. Power won’t make you bad. If you’re scared it will, what do you NEED to put in place to ensure that it DOESN’T?! Identify ways you’ve ALREADY made positive changes and where your ideas of power = corruption come from? What do you WANT to believe about power? 

3 :: Start small — I can’t stress this enough because it’s literally the BEST way to gain confidence. Begin by taking small steps to assert your power. Like, sharing your preferences, make requests, set boundaries, speak up in meeting, take on a leadership role in your school, work, home, volunteer organization. As you grow, you’ll adjust to handling power and you’ll gradually WANT to take on larger challenges

4 :: Practice self-care — Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is important for building confidence and resilience. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthily, and spend time doing activities that you enjoy, you know, the basics. The basics are overlooked too often and GOOD decision making…the GOOD use of power and influence come to you more naturally and easily when you’re taken care of 

5 :: Seek support — It can be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a professional therapist or coach. Having a support system IS CRUCIAL and gives you encouragement, motivation, and accountability - which only help you feel in balance with your power. During times of higher stress or decision-making, having a sounding board can be a MASSIVE benefit. People with healthy relationships to power do not work in isolation and they DO NOT surround themselves with “yes men” 

BONUS TIP 6 :: Embrace failure — TAKE ACTION! Understand that making mistakes and experiencing setbacks is a normal part of the growth process. Failures mean you’re trying! Instead of seeing failure as a sign of weakness, embrace it as an opportunity to learn and improve. You’re going to get it wrong, face it. What matters is follow-up of repairing and trying to get things right.

Overcoming a fear of power takes time but let me tell you — it’s totally worth your effort because feeling a HEALTHY level of power is IMPORTANT for creating change


BE WILLING to challenge your limiting beliefs

You CAN develop a healthier relationship with power and become a more effective agent of change in your own life and in the world around you.

📱 To work together, text me at 1-909-619-2831