Jess the Empress

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The secret to quieting the inner critic 🗝️✨

You have an inner critic (well all do) and it probably sounds a bit like this 👇🏼

:: I have to do everything perfectly (protection from failure and judgment)

:: I have to control everything I say, think, and do (protection from yourself)

:: I have to succeed at everything (protection from being judged as a failure)

:: Why bother, good things probably won’t happen (protection from rejection/failure)

:: I can never forgive myself for xyz (protection from making the same mistakes)

:: I should just do what everyone around me is doing (protection from judgment)

🧠 The inner critic is a mechanism of the mind, designed to keep you safe 

Safe? Yes, safe because your current comfort zone is predictable

The problem with letting your inner critic go unchecked is that it just gets louder, 🥴 keeping you right where you are, and I know you want more for yourself

The ✨secret✨to quieting your inner critic is 👇🏼

💥 Strengthening your inner coach 💥

YOU get to create a peaceful existence

YOU get to reinforce confidence 

YOU get to succeed AND be kind to yourself

Gain control today 👇🏼

:: Design a strategy to increase helpful thoughts

:: Focus on taking action

:: Use your strengths as motivation

:: Challenge yourself to realize your truth and personal power

:: Observe evidence that proves your inner critic wrong 

:: Unapologetically say “no thanks” to your inner critic

Are you in?

🦇🌹 If you want to work together text me at 1-909-619-2831